A change of the seasons is the perfect time to have your heating and air conditioning system serviced, checked, and cleaned by a Charleston HVAC contractor. If your Charleston, SC, HVAC system is functioning properly, it can reduce your overall energy consumption and save you some hard-earned cash. As you’re trusted HVAC company in Charleston, SC, we’ve listed some simple do-it-yourself tips for HVAC maintenance:
HVAC Maintenance: Clean / Replace Air Filter
A dirty filter can obstruct air flow, causing stress on the entire heating and air system and increasing energy consumption. We recommend checking your filter monthly for optimal results, and installing high efficiency filters. We would not recommend a 3-month long filter unless it is 4 inches deep.
Clean Air Vents / Unblock Registers
Cleaning out air vents prevents dirt and dust from accumulating in the vent and then spreading around your home. When the air vent is completely blocked, it prevents healthy air flow, which can also cause stress on the entire heating and air system.
Check Insulation and Thermostat
One easy tip to alleviate the workload for your Charleston, SC, HVAC system is to make sure the attic has sufficient insulation. It’s also beneficial to check the thermostat when transitioning from heating to cooling to make sure everything is working properly.
Check for Drafts / Leaks
Although this isn’t specific to your HVAC system, it is a good idea to check for drafts around windows and doors. Openings can increase your home’s humidity levels and make the HVAC work harder than necessary.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
It’s important to install a carbon monoxide alarm for safety. If you already have one, make sure to check the batteries regularly.
Following these tips can help prevent common HVAC maintenance issues that may arise with your HVAC system. That said, there are certain times when heating and air conditioning repair matters escalate that you may need to rely on a professional, especially in Charleston, SC. AGL Services can assist with any questions or concerns about your heating or air conditioning system. Give us a call today or fill out a contact form for additional information and get the help of a trane comfort specialist. We are available for 24-hour support.